1 10-27/8:00am 1009.1 0.0 0 kph/N 600 km. SE =Start 6-hr. Obs.=
2 2:00pm 1002.4 -6.7 30 kph/NNW 356 km. SE Wind Gust of 42 kph
coming from the NNW
recorded @ 1:14pm.
3 5:00pm 1002.4 0.0 40 kph/NNW 290 km. ESE =Start 3-hr. Obs.=
Gust of 55 kph
coming from the N
recorded @ 3:46pm.
4 8:00pm 1001.0 -1.4 45 kph/N 187 km. ESE =Start 2-hr. Obs.=
5 10:00pm 998.0 -3.0 50 kph/N ... =Start Hrly. Obs.=
Gust of 66 kph
recorded @ 10:23pm
coming from the N
6 11:00pm 995.3 -2.7 55 kph/N 100 km. ESE Gust of 69 kph
coming from the N
recorded @ 11:11pm.
7 10-28/12:00am 993.2 -2.1 60 kph/N ... Gust of 72 kph
coming from the N
recorded @ 11:22pm.
8 1:00am 988.1 -5.1 70 kph/N ... Developing "Eye"
Lagonoy Gulf, Cam.
Sur, Bicol. Highest
gust of 98 kph
coming from the N
recorded @ 1:04am.
9 2:00am 984.1 -4.0 75 kph/N 54 km. East A Special Microwave
Imager Pass depicts
55-km. cloud-filled
"Eye" off Lagonoy
Gulf... Western
EyeWall enters Naga
10 3:00am 981.0 -3.1 80 kph/NNE ... "Eye" making land-
fall over Lagonoy,
Cam. Sur - nears
Naga. Gusts con-
tinues reaching
90 kph.
11 3:30am 979.7 -1.3 80 kph/NNE ... "Eye" in the vici-
nity of Mt. Isarog.
=30-Min. Obs.Begins=
12 4:00am 978.3 -1.4 20 kph/NNE 22 km. East Cloud-filled "Eye"
entering Naga City.
Winds diminishing
13 4:30am 977.0 -1.3 0-10 kph/NE 00 km. "Eye" over Station
(Naga)! Lowest
Pressure Recorded...
Lull begins @ 4:15am.
Very light winds &
rain observed.
14 5:00am 978.0 +1.0 0-10 kph/SE 10 km. West Early dawn's light
confirms its Cloud-
filled "Eye". Around
5:40am, the Eastern
EyeWall arrives from
the East (as wit-
nessed by the author).
Lull ends @ 5:45am.
=End of 30-min obs.=
15 6:00am 982.7 +4.7 65 kph/S ... =Back to Hrly. Obs.=
Strong Winds & Rains
resume around 5:45am
Nearby PAGASA Sta-
tion (Naga) recor-
ded gust of 108 kph
coming from the S
@ 5:50am.
16 7:00am 990.9 +8.2 60 kph/SSE ... Barometer rising
fast! Wind Gust
of 80 kph coming
from the SSE
recorded @ 7:51am.
17 8:00am 995.9 +5.0 55 kph/SSE 83 km. WNW Xangsane moving away,
Winds decreasing...
Barometer rising
= Continued on Next Page =
Published: Thursday, 09 November 2000
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