* - Eye/O: Round | Eye/C: Cloud-Filled | Eye/E: Elliptical | Eye/R: Ragged | Eye/I: Irregular | Eye/CC: Concentric
Eye/S: Symmetrical | Eye/P: Pinhole
JTWC Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Super Typhoon NANMADOL (14W)
Date: August 21-31, 2011
Wind Speed: 135 Knots
Warning Date/Time (in Knots) Direction of
Number (in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kts) Classifctn Remarks
... 21/1330Z 12.9N 128.4E 17 22 NNW 15 TropDis Initial/TCFA
... 21/1800Z 13.8N 127.9E 17 22 ... .. TropDis Consolidating
... 22/0000Z 14.3N 127.3E 17 22 ... .. TropDis Weakened
... 22/0600Z 14.4N 127.4E 17 22 ... .. TropDis Quasi-Stationary
... 22/1200Z 14.4N 127.5E 17 22 NNW 03 TropDis Quasi-Stationary
001 22/1800Z 15.0N 128.1E 25 35 NNE 05 TropDep Upgraded
002 23/0000Z 15.7N 127.4E 30 40 NNW 06 TropDep Intensified
003 23/0600Z 16.0N 127.4E 35 45 N 05 TropStm Upgraded
004 23/1200Z 16.0N 127.7E 45 55 N 03 TropStm Intensified
005 23/1800Z 16.2N 127.8E 45 55 NNE 02 TropStm Quasi-Stnry
006 24/0000Z 16.4N 127.7E 50 65 N 03 TropStm Intensified
007 24/0600Z 16.3N 126.7E 55 70 NW 04 TropStm Relocated/Intnsfd
008 24/1200Z 16.0N 126.5E 60 75 WSW 02 TropStm Near Typhoon
009 24/1800Z 16.0N 126.2E 65 80 W 03 Typhoon-1 Upgraded
010 25/0000Z 16.0N 125.6E 75 90 W 05 Typhoon-1 Intensified
011 25/0600Z 16.3N 125.1E 80 100 WNW 06 Typhoon-1 19-NM Eye/C*
012 25/1200Z 16.6N 124.6E 90 110 WNW 06 Typhoon-2 Intensified
013 25/1800Z 16.5N 124.0E 115 140 W 03 Typhoon-4 Rapidly Intensified
014 26/0000Z 16.7N 123.9E 130 160 NNW 02 SuperTy-4 Upgraded/Chngd Course
015 26/0600Z 17.2N 123.6E 135 165 NNW 06 SuperTy-4 Intensified
016 26/1200Z 17.7N 123.3E 135 165 NNW 06 SuperTy-4 18-NM Eye/I*
017 26/1800Z 18.0N 122.7E 120 145 NW 07 Typhoon-4 Downgraded
018 27/0000Z 18.2N 122.4E 110 135 NW 03 Typhoon-3 N. Cagayan Landfall
019 27/0600Z 18.5N 122.1E 110 135 NW 04 Typhoon-3 Over Palaui Island
020 27/1200Z 19.3N 121.6E 105 130 NW 06 Typhoon-3 Near Calayan Island
021 27/1800Z 19.7N 121.3E 100 125 NW 05 Typhoon-3 Off Balintang Channel
022 28/0000Z 20.5N 121.4E 90 110 N 08 Typhoon-2 Just west of Batanes
023 28/0600Z 21.0N 121.2E 85 105 NNW 07 Typhoon-2 Apprchng S. Taiwan
024 28/1200Z 21.5N 121.0E 75 90 NNW 07 Typhoon-1 Weakened/Near Landfall
025 28/1800Z 22.1N 121.0E 70 85 N 06 Typhoon-1 Landfall (S. Taiwan)
026 29/0000Z 22.9N 120.5E 40 50 NNW 09 TropStm Downgraded/Overland
027 29/0600Z 23.5N 119.9E 50 65 NNW 08 TropStm Wind Speed Corrected
028 29/1200Z 23.6N 119.5E 50 65 NW 05 TropStm Slowed Down
029 29/1800Z 23.6N 118.9E 50 65 W 05 TropStm Off Taiwan Strait
030 30/0000Z 23.8N 119.1E 45 55 WNW 02 TropStm Weakened
031 30/0600Z 24.5N 119.0E 40 50 NW 08 TropStm Near Landfall
032 30/1200Z 24.7N 119.0E 35 45 NW 02 TropStm Weakened/Quasi-Stnry
033 30/1800Z 24.5N 119.0E 30 40 WNW 02 TropDep Downgraded/Quasi-Stnry
034 31/0000Z 24.9N 118.7E 25 35 NW 04 TropDep Landfall/Final Log
Note: The above data are taken from its real-time, 6-hrly. TC Warnings. The Best Track data
for this system will be released on the upcoming 2011 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report
sometime next year (2012). For details proceed to this link.
PAGASA Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Typhoon MINA
Date: August 21-29, 2011
Wind Speed: 195 Kph
Warning Date/Time (in Kph) Direction of Pressure
Number (in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kph) (in mb) Status
01* 21/1200Z 13.0N 129.0E 45 .. NNW Slowly 1000 TropDep
02 21/1800Z 13.3N 128.3E 45 .. NW 07 1000 TropDep
03 22/0000Z 13.6N 127.8E 45 .. NNW Slowly 1000 TropDep
04 22/0600Z 14.4N 128.0E 45 .. NE 11 1000 TropDep
05 22/1200Z 14.7N 127.8E 45 .. NE 11 1000 TropDep
06 22/1800Z 15.3N 127.0E 45 .. NE 07 1000 TropDep
07 23/0000Z 15.7N 127.2E 55 .. NNE 07 1000 TropDep
08 23/0600Z 15.9N 127.2E 65 80 N 07 997 TropStm
09 23/1200Z 16.0N 127.2E 65 80 N Slowly 997 TropStm
10 23/1800Z 16.2N 127.2E 75 90 N Slowly 994 TropStm
11 24/0000Z 16.2N 127.3E 75 90 Almost Stnry 994 TropStm
12 24/0600Z 16.3N 127.1E 85 100 Almost Stnry 991 TropStm
13 24/1200Z 16.3N 126.7E 95 120 NNW 07 987 SeveStm
14 24/1800Z 16.2N 126.4E 105 135 NNW Slowly 982 SeveStm
15 24/2100Z 16.2N 126.1E 105 135 NNW Slowly 982 SeveStm
16 25/0000Z 16.3N 125.6E 120 150 WNW 07 976 Typhoon
17 25/0600Z 16.2N 125.2E 140 170 WNW 07 967 Typhoon
18 25/1200Z 16.3N 124.4E 140 170 W 11 967 Typhoon
19 25/1800Z 16.4N 124.1E 150 185 NW 07 963 Typhoon
20 26/0000Z 16.8N 123.7E 175 210 NW 07 948 Typhoon
21 26/0600Z 17.2N 123.6E 195 230 NW 07 938 Typhoon
22 26/1200Z 17.5N 123.2E 195 230 NW 07 938 Typhoon
23 26/1800Z 17.9N 122.6E 195 230 NW 07 938 Typhoon
24 27/0000Z 18.2N 122.3E 195 230 NW 07 938 Typhoon
25 27/0600Z 18.5N 122.0E 165 200 NW 07 954 Typhoon
26 27/1200Z 19.2N 121.8E 150 185 NW 07 963 Typhoon
27 27/1800Z 19.6N 121.5E 140 170 NNW 07 967 Typhoon
28 28/0000Z 20.4N 121.4E 120 150 NNW 07 976 Typhoon
29 28/0600Z 20.9N 121.3E 120 150 NNW 07 976 Typhoon
30 28/1200Z 21.4N 121.0E 110 140 NNW 07 980 SeveStm
31 28/1800Z 21.9N 120.9E 110 140 NW 07 980 SeveStm
32 29/0000Z 23.0N 120.3E 100 130 NW 07 984 SeveStm
33 29/0600Z 23.2N 120.0E 95 120 WNW 07 987 SeveStm
34** 29/1200Z 23.3N 119.5E 95 120 NW 07 987 SeveStm
Note: * - Initial Warning, ** - Final Warning, # - Re-Issued, ^ - Amended
RSMC-JMA (Tokyo) Typhoon Center Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Typhoon 1111 NANMADOL (1111)
Date: August 20-31, 2011
Wind Speed: 105 Knots
Date/Time (in Kts) Direction of Pressure
(in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kts) (in mb) Status Remarks
20/0600Z 12.0N 132.0E .. .. Almst Stnry 1006 TropDis Initial
20/1200Z 12.0N 132.0E .. .. Almst Stnry 1008 TropDis Weak
20/1800Z 12.0N 132.0E .. .. Almst Stnry 1006 TropDis Weak
21/0000Z 12.0N 130.0E .. .. NW Slowly 1006 TropDis ...
21/0600Z 12.0N 130.0E .. .. WNW Slowly 1006 TropDis ...
21/1200Z 13.0N 129.0E 45 .. NNW Slowly 1004 TropDep Upgraded
21/1800Z 13.0N 128.0E 45 .. NW Slowly 1004 TropDep ...
22/0000Z 14.0N 127.4E 30 .. NW Slowly 1004 TropDep Intensified
22/0600Z 14.5N 128.0E 30 .. Almst Stnry 1004 TropDep ...
22/1200Z 14.6N 127.3E 30 .. Almst Stnry 1004 TropDep ...
22/1800Z 15.4N 126.5E 30 .. Almst Stnry 1004 TropDep ...
23/0000Z 15.4N 127.2E 30 45 Almst Stnry 1002 TropDep Intensified
23/0600Z 15.6N 127.2E 30 45 Almst Stnry 1002 TropDep ...
23/1200Z 16.0N 127.2E 35 50 N Slowly 996 TropStm Upgraded
23/1800Z 16.2N 127.2E 40 60 Almst Stnry 994 TropStm Intensified
24/0000Z 16.0N 127.2E 45 65 Almst Stnry 992 TropStm Intensified
24/0600Z 16.1N 126.8E 55 80 W Slowly 985 SeveStm Upgraded
24/1200Z 16.1N 126.6E 55 80 W Slowly 985 SeveStm Quasi-Stnry
24/1800Z 16.0N 126.4E 55 80 Almst Stnry 985 SeveStm ...
25/0000Z 16.2N 125.6E 65 95 W Slowly 975 Typhoon Upgraded
25/0600Z 16.3N 125.2E 75 105 W Slowly 965 Typhoon Rpdly Intnsfd
25/1200Z 16.5N 124.5E 80 115 WNW 07 955 Typhoon Intensified
25/1800Z 16.4N 124.0E 90 130 W Slowly 945 Typhoon Intensified
26/0000Z 16.7N 123.9E 95 135 Almst Stnry 930 Typhoon Intensified
26/0600Z 17.2N 123.6E 105 150 NNW Slowly 920 Typhoon Intensified
26/1200Z 17.5N 123.3E 105 150 NW Slowly 920 Typhoon Erratic Motion
26/1800Z 17.9N 122.8E 105 150 NW 06 920 Typhoon Accelerated
27/0000Z 18.1N 122.4E 100 140 WNW Slowly 930 Typhoon Near Landfall
27/0600Z 18.7N 122.1E 85 120 NNW 06 950 Typhoon Landfall/Weakened
27/1200Z 19.1N 121.7E 70 100 NNW Slowly 965 Typhoon Weakened
27/1800Z 19.7N 121.3E 70 100 NNW 06 970 Typhoon Weak Core
28/0000Z 20.2N 121.2E 60 85 NNW Slowly 975 SeveStm Downgraded
28/0600Z 20.7N 121.0E 60 85 NNW Slowly 975 SeveStm ...
28/1200Z 21.4N 121.0E 60 85 N 07 980 SeveStm Accelerated
28/1800Z 21.9N 121.0E 60 85 N Slowly 980 SeveStm Near Landfall
29/0000Z 23.1N 120.1E 50 70 NNW 08 990 SeveStm Landfall
29/0600Z 23.3N 119.6E 50 70 WNW Slowly 990 SeveStm Taiwan Strait
29/1200Z 23.3N 119.4E 45 65 Almst Stnry 992 TropStm Downgraded
29/1800Z 23.8N 119.3E 45 65 NW Slowly 992 TropStm ...
30/0000Z 23.9N 119.1E 45 65 NW Slowly 992 TropStm ...
30/0600Z 24.4N 119.2E 40 60 N Slowly 992 TropStm Weakened
30/1200Z 24.4N 119.0E 40 60 Almst Stnry 992 TropStm Stalled
30/1800Z 24.5N 119.0E 40 60 Almst Stnry 992 TropStm ...
31/0000Z 24.7N 118.9E 35 50 Almst Stnry 994 TropStm Weakened
31/0600Z 25.0N 118.0E 30 .. W Slowly 996 TropDep Dwngrdd/Final
Note: Updated time is in Philippine Standard Time Zone. All data are taken from its respective weather agencies: Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, & Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), & Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre-Tokyo Typhoon Centre, Japan Meteorological Agency (RSMC-JMA).
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Naga City, Philippines
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