* - Eye/O: Round | Eye/C: Cloud-Filled | Eye/E: Elliptical | Eye/R: Ragged | Eye/I: Irregular | Eye/CC: Concentric
Eye/S: Symmetrical
JTWC Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Tropical Storm FAXAI (20W)
Date: October 25 - 27, 2007
Wind Speed: 40 Kts
Warning Date/Time (in Knots) Direction of
Number (in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kts) Status Remarks
... 25/1200Z 20.2N 133.0E 18 22 WNW 09 TropDis TCFA
001 26/0000Z 23.0N 131.3E 25 35 NNW 18 TropDep Initial
002 26/0600Z 23.6N 130.7E 25 35 NNW 12 TropDep ...
003 26/1200Z 25.0N 131.6E 30 40 NNE 16 TropDep Accelerating
004 26/1800Z 26.1N 133.0E 35 45 NE 17 TropStm Upgraded
005 27/0000Z 27.5N 134.7E 40 50 NE 21 TropStm Intnsfd/Final
Note: The above data are taken from its real-time, 6-hrly. TC Warnings. The Best Track data
for this system will be released on the upcoming 2007 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report
sometime next year (2008). For details visit: www.npmoc.navy.mil/jtwc/atcr/atcr_archive.html
PAGASA Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Tropical Storm JUANING
Date: October 26, 2007
Wind Speed: 75 Kph
Warning Date/Time (in Kph) Direction of Pressure
Number (in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kph) (in mb) Status
01* 26/0000Z 23.1N 131.5E 55 .. NNW 26 1000 TropDep
02 26/0600Z 23.9N 131.1E 65 80 N 15 997 TropStm
03** 26/1200Z 25.0N 131.7E 75 90 NNW 19 994 TropStm
Note: * - Initial Warning, ** - Final Warning, # - Re-Issued
RSMC-JMA (Tokyo) Typhoon Center Tropical Cyclone Warning Log
Name: Severe Tropical Storm 0720 FAXAI (0720)
Date: October 25 - 27, 2007
Wind Speed: 55 Kts
Date/Time (in Kts) Direction of Pressure
(in UTC) Lat Lon Sust Gust Movement (Kts) (in mb) Status Remarks
25/0000Z 16.0N 136.0E .. .. WNW Slowly 1006 TropDep Initial
25/0600Z 17.4N 134.7E 30 .. WNW 07 1004 TropDep Intensified
25/1200Z 19.4N 133.7E 30 .. NNW 20 1004 TropDep Organizing
25/1800Z 21.4N 132.3E 30 .. NNW 20 1000 TropDep ...
26/0000Z 23.0N 131.7E 35 50 NW 19 1000 TropStm Upgraded
26/0600Z 23.9N 131.2E 35 50 NNW 15 998 TropStm Prssre Deepening
26/1200Z 25.0N 131.7E 45 65 NNE 11 992 TropStm Intensified
26/1800Z 26.7N 133.3E 45 65 NE 22 992 TropStm ...
27/0000Z 28.6N 135.6E 50 70 NE 27 990 SeveStm Upgraded
27/0600Z 33.4N 139.6E 55 80 NE 50 980 SeveStm Intnsfd/Acclrtd
27/1200Z 35.8N 141.9E 55 80 NE 35 985 SeveStm Bcmng Extratropcl
27/1800Z 39.0N 146.0E 55 .. NE 40 984 DeveLow Final Log
Note: Updated time is in Philippine Standard Time Zone. All data are taken from its respective weather agencies: Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, & Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), & Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre-Tokyo Typhoon Centre, Japan Meteorological Agency (RSMC-JMA).
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Naga City, Philippines
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