1 11-01/8:00pm 1006.8 0.0 10 kph/NE 426 km. ESE =Start 6-hr. Obs.=
2 11-02/2:00am 1003.4 -3.4 5 kph/N 323 km. ESE =Start 3-hr. Obs.=
3 5:00am 1003.0 -0.4 10 kph/NNW 290 km. ESE Wind Gust of 48 kph
coming from the NNW
recorded @ 5:27am.
4 8:00am 1003.0 0.0 30 kph/NNW 173 km. East BEBINCA is consi-
dered a small system,
intensifies into a
Typhoon. Station
entering the western
5 11:00am 999.7 -3.3 20 kph/WNW 110 km. ENE =Start Hrly. Obs.=
System rapidly
intensifying as it
crosses Catanduanes.
6 12:00pm 996.6 -3.1 20 kph/W 85 km. ENE 30-km. Ragged "Eye"
develops quickly as
it appears on Sate-
llite Imagery after
crossing Catanduanes.
Western Quadrant re-
mains weak. Caramoan
Peninsula buffetted
by Strong Winds.
7 1:00pm 996.3 -0.3 25 kph/W ... Heavy Rains begins
to fall over station
(Naga) as Winds
picks-up a little.
Entering storm's
Southern quadrant.
8 2:00pm 994.9 -1.4 25 kph/WSW 64 km. NNE Bebinca continues to
intensify as it
brushes the coastal
areas of Northern
Camarines Sur...
Wind Gust of 40 kph
coming from the W
recorded @ 2:07pm.
9 3:00pm 994.6 -0.3 25 kph/SW 57 km. North Closest Point of
Approach (CPA) to
Station (Naga)...
Lowest Pressure
Recorded. Winds
still weak but
rains heavy. Bicol
River rising up.
10 4:00pm 994.9 +0.3 45 kph/SW 68 km. NNW "Eye" nears the
coast of Camarines
Norte. Wind Gust of
60 kph coming from
the SW recorded @
3:53pm. Station
entering the storm's
SE quadrant.
11 5:00pm 997.0 +2.1 55 kph/SW 84 km. NNW "Eye" passes by
10 km. NE of Daet,
Cam. Norte. PAGASA
Radar Station in
Daet reported gust
of 120 kph, with
pressure readings of
986.7 mb.
12 6:00pm 998.3 +1.3 40 kph/SSW ... Barometer rising...
Highest Gust of
72 kph recorded @
5:34pm coming from
the SW. Another
gust of 54 kph
recorded @ 6:04pm
also from SW.
13 7:00pm 1000.0 +1.7 35 kph/SSW ... Winds diminishing...
Wind Gust of 48 kph
recorded @ 7:05pm
coming from the SSW.
Observation clearly
shows that Bebinca
has a small wind
radius of approx.
50 km. w/ greater
radii over the
SE quadrant.
= Continued on Next Page =
Published: Tuesday, 14 November 2000
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